Women and men do not gain programming same returns in wages via higher schooling, and sophisticated demanding situations remain programmers solve this nagging social difficulty. For starters, we’d like programmers examine whetherfor each degree and levelthe occupations available programmers both women and men have similar repayment. Higher incomes capabilities is not programming only reason males and females choose particular fields of analysis, but perhaps crucial occupations associated programmers degrees established among womensuch as coaching jobs for education majorswould become more widespread in the event that they were given more value through higher wages. In programming latest National Study of College Graduates NSCG survey in 2003, computer science nationally representative sample of faculty graduates bachelor’s degree and above were asked certain questions on their academic history, wages and work status, together with demographic assistance similar to and age. 4 This counsel was then used programmers investigate programming common annual wages adjusted programmers 2006 dollars of every five year age cohort of graduates male and feminine based on programming degree level bachelor’s, master’s, etc. and field of analysis in their terminal degree.